At Denton Primary School we value the importance of Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education. Our curriculum equips our children with the vital tools and knowledge they need to make healthy choices for themselves and others now and in their future lives. Through weekly lessons, assemblies and whole school enrichment activities we support our students to be happy, healthy, resilient, confident and responsible.
Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education is taught every week across our school. Within our PSHE curriculum, relationships and health education and mental health and emotional wellbeing are explicitly taught. On our policy page, you can find our policy for statutory RSHE (Relationships, Sex, Health Education).
On this page you will be able to find each year group's curriculum map for PSHE and RSE.
Our curriculum incorporates topics such as healthy eating, oral health, physical wellbeing, sleep and relaxation, friendships and bullying, drugs and alcohol and staying safe online.