Statutory Information

Every local-authority-maintained school must publish specific information on its website to comply with The School Information (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012 and 2016 and other relevant legislation.

Please see below links to the relevant pages on our website which demonstrates our website is compliant with these regulations.

School Contact Details 

Admission Arrangements 

School Uniform 

Ofsted Reports 

Performance Tables & Results 

School Opening Hours 

Our Curriculum & Organisation  

Curriculum Core Subjects

Curriculum Non Core Subjects 

Behaviour Policy 

Pupil Premium 

PE & Sport Premium 

Public Sector & Equality Duties

Equality Objectives 

Special Education Needs (SEN) Information  

Complaints Procedure 

Governor Information & Duties 

Privacy Notice 

Charging & Remissions Policy 

School's Financial Benchmarking 

Values & Ethos


Additional Statutory Information 

Number of individuals (if any) earning over £100k, in £10k bandings 0
Details of the amount of time off taken by staff who are union officials to carry out their union duties N/A


Should you require a paper copy of the information on our school’s website, we provide this free of charge upon request.